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NIST SP 800-171a vs. CMMC

Government contractors today are constantly under the scrutiny of security compliance. After all, breaching a government contractor is an efficient path to stealing valuable U.S economic as well as national security information. These attaches are actively carried out by nation-state threat actors. Several years ago, the Department of Defense (DoD) worked with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to create a security manual to address this issue- it was titled NIST SP 800-171. However, implementing NIST SP 800-171 has proved difficult as fulfilling its requirement can be costly and almost unattainable for contractors with low cyber literacy. This year the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) was released to revamp the existing requirements for DoD contractors and help address the complications associated with NIST SP 800-171.

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3 Ways a SOC 2 Audit Stimulates Business Growth

A service organization control audit, or SOC 2 audit, provides a report on an organization’s security controls. There are two types of SOC 2 reports, Type I and Type II, which we have touched on in other posts. Here we’ll discuss why B2B tech companies of all sizes are pursuing SOC 2 audits more than ever before.

On the surface, a SOC 2 certification may sound like just another flashy security badge or boring report that management reads. However, having a successful SOC 2 has been proven to be an asset, supporting company growth by helping organizations land enterprise contracts, grow revenue, and increase their market share.

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An Overview of CMMC for Defense Contractors

Data exfiltration is a growing concern among businesses and governments alike. After all, data is the most valuable asset second to people that an organization has. The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is the government’s response to data exfiltration. It’s an attempt to bolster cybersecurity among the defense industrial base (DIB) and is becoming a requirement for defense contractors performing work for the Department of Defense (DoD).

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Start With Why... My next chapter with Silent Sector

One of the best business books I have read is “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek. The reason I liked it so much is the author makes the point that many of the great companies in America have a noble cause as their mission that differentiate them from their competitors.

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Preparing for a NIST Risk Assessment

Regardless of your organization’s security posture, a NIST cyber risk assessment can add immense value to your business. The National Institute of Standards and Technology, or more commonly known as NIST, is a non-regulatory federal agency that develops standards for a plethora of commonly relied on services and products.

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Cybersecurity Software to Protect Small Businesses?

Although Silent Sector tends to work with mid-market and emerging companies, we get asked regularly by small businesses, "What tools or software can we buy to protect our company?"
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Despite the increase of cyber security awareness, employees are still neglecting security policies

Security awareness increasing, but numbers show employees are still not listening

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SOC 2 Audit Process and Best Practices

Wondering what to expect as you go through your first SOC 2 Audit?  This post covers each step of the process.  At every step, keep in mind that the entire goal of the SOC 2 audit is to measure how well your organization handles its business processes, users, data (proprietary, customer, etc.). A SOC 2 security audit can help your company demonstrate it has applied the best control mechanism to assure security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of client data. This then generates trust and confidence from inquiring vendors and prospective customers.

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Use Cybersecurity to Grow Your Revenue

The cybersecurity industry has a few really exciting trends and others that are mostly fluff and hype.  We are seeing   one particularly interesting dynamic  as we build and test cybersecurity programs for our clients.
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Hacktivism and the Rise in DDoS Attacks

It is no secret that many protests have erupted after the death last month of George Floyd. However, a lesser-known fact is that a significant amount of online protesting has also emerged. This blog aims to focus on how protestors and various social organizations are using hacking as a vehicle to accomplish their objectives. The term ‘hacktivist” is used to describe cyber threat actors who are politically motivated.

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