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Zach Fuller

Zach Fuller
Zach Fuller is an entrepreneur who has built businesses in multiple industries. He served as Green Beret in the U.S. Army, conducting highly sensitive combat operations in Afghanistan. Zach was awarded a Bronze Star Medal and other decorations for his actions overseas. He later built an investor relations team for a private equity company. Holding the role of Executive Vice President, he lead the team to raising well over $300,000,000 in private capital to acquire real estate assets and making it to the Inc. 500 list of Fastest Growing Private Companies. Zach is a Certified Ethical Hacker and founding partner of Silent Sector, where he is focused on mid-market and emerging companies which he considers to be the backbone of the American economy and our way of life.
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Learn Why StateRAMP Certification Makes Sense for Cloud Service Providers

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Being a technology platform provider to government agencies is a valid goal for American companies. However, becoming an approved vendor isn’t easy, especially for those whose services rely on cloud technology. It’s a long process and companies need to ensure compliance with numerous security requirements, including the recently developed StateRAMP certification.

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Are You Prepared for a SOC 2 Readiness Assessment?

Taking on a SOC 2 audit can be a significant undertaking for any organization, demanding considerable investment in both time and resources. The key to navigating this process successfully lies in thorough preparation. This is where a SOC 2 readiness assessment can be a significant help.

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Everything You Need to Know About Vulnerability Assessments in Cybersecurity

What is a cybersecurity vulnerability assessment? These assessments involve a systematic review of your digital systems, aiming to identify and address security weaknesses effectively. By understanding where your defenses might be compromised, you can take proactive steps to secure your data and operations.

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What is an identity and Access Management RiskUnderstanding Identity and Access Management Risk Assessments – And Why You Need One!

The safety of your company’s data and systems is crucial. Managing access to key digital assets plays a vital role in how well you can keep your organization’s digital ecosystem safe. This brings us to the importance of identity and access management risk assessment as it’s key in protecting a company from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

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Master Threat Management: 7 Key Tips for a Robust Security Incident Response Playbook

No matter how robust a company’s security program is, it can never guarantee total protection against cyber threats. As such, a detailed incident response plan that allows you to quickly and effectively respond to security incidents is essential. However, If you don’t know how to create an incident response playbook to defend against harmful cyber incidents, we can help.

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What is an IT Security Risk Assessment (And 6 Benefits That You Need to Know!)

A thorough knowledge of the risks a company faces is essential to operating a company in the 21st century. With digital technology powering more and more business operations, risks go far beyond the physical realm and into the digital. Understanding potential cyber risks, and what an IT security risk assessment is, can be invaluable to promoting a company’s potential success.

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What is an IAM Framework and Why Every Company Should Care

Digital tools are now core foundations of most company’s corporate infrastructure. However, these critical solutions are also a source of risk that can significantly harm your business if not managed properly. Safeguarding against such risks requires knowing what an IAM framework is and how it impacts your company's overall security posture. 

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Navigate HIPAA Compliance With These Quick Assessment Checklists

All businesses that deal with Protected Health Information (PHI) are required to adhere to HIPAA rules and regulations. Those that don’t, and are found to be in violation of its standards, can face hefty fines, reputation damage, and even legal action. Our HIPAA compliance checklist will help you avoid such consequences and become fully HIPAA compliant.

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What is CISO as a Service and Why Do Businesses Use Them?

Securing your business’s online presence is not an easy task. It’s complex, resource-heavy that many businesses don’t quite know how to approach or manage effectively. There’s a lot of misinformation out there; it’s tricky for executives to know what security direction to go in without an internal Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or a CISO as a Service provider.

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Meet Serge Tarazi - Executive Leader & Growth Expert

Major initiatives, including cybersecurity, can be a challenge when everyone is already filling multiple roles in a growing organization. In this situation, it makes sense to look at operations holistically to ensure your projects are being implemented efficiently and will be sustainable.

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