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Capital One Breach - What Happened?

Big brands get big publicity after a breach and Capital One is no exception.  However, mainstream media is known to sensational the story rather than taking an objective look at what happened.  The following is our opinion based solely on publicly available information and is not the opinion of Capital One or any related parties.
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How to Hire and Retain Qualified Cybersecurity Professionals - Part 2

The below commentary is an excerpt from a longer white paper being produced by the Silent Sector team on how to hire and retain quality security, and by extension, IT resources.  This excerpt addresses finding and hiring IT and security professionals.

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An Overview of BlueKeep (CVE-2019-0708)

In early May of 2019, Microsoft reported that a new security vulnerability had been discovered and could be a tremendous threat to their users. The bug was originally detected by the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre. Officially tracked “CVE-2019-0708”, but referred to as “BlueKeep”, this exploit is a remote code execution vulnerability that is present in Remote Desktop Services.

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How to Hire and Retain Qualified Cybersecurity Professionals - Part 1

The below commentary is an excerpt from a longer white paper being produced by the Silent Sector team on how to hire and retain quality security, and by extension, IT resources.  This excerpt addresses compensation.

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent: How effective leaders think about cybersecurity

Cyber-crime is here to stay. Neither technology, compliance frameworks, nor government regulation will stop the threat.  It is a fight we didn’t choose but has forced business leaders to take new measures to protect their organizations. 

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Light Years Beyond the Penetration Test

Penetration testing is now a permanent requirement in most governance frameworks from NIST to PCI DSS, making it a mandatory step in the annual budgets and operations. While most understand a penetration test is necessary in order to meet their client and regulatory requirements for the year, there is little knowledge on what these tests actually accomplish for the organization and how they are conducted.  In addition, an industry-wide consensus of what defines a true penetration test does not exist, creating further confusion. 

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Tools, Tools, and More Tools...

The proliferation and race to market for newer, better, and more stable security tools has thoroughly saturated the IT world. Who hasn’t walked through a trade show and seen booth after booth of the latest and greatest tools? 

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Cyber-Crime Doesn’t Take a Holiday: Silent Sector Reminds You to Stay Vigilant This Season

The hustle and bustle of the holidays make them an ideal time for cyber-criminals to attack. Cybersecurity firms deal with increased threats during this season, and Silent Sector offers tips to protect your personal data and devices.

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Silent Sector and VRS Apply Special Ops Strategies to Protect Businesses from Violence and Cyber Threats

As workplaces face increasing violence and cybersecurity threats, two southwestern companies partner to bring Special Forces expertise from the battlefield into the boardroom to protect America’s small and midsize businesses.

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Why The Government Isn't Joking About Bob the Pipe Bender's Cybersecurity

While there are an abundance of reasons to enforce cybersecurity requirements, it doesn't take long to understand why the DoD is concerned about even the smallest subcontractor's security posture.

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