Governance Risk and Compliance

Governance Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) Services

Standout as the secure and reliable choice in your industry, with expert GRC services designed to fit the uniqueness of your organization.

Turn Uncertainty Into Opportunity With Tailored GRC Solutions

Build a custom GRC program to drive authority over competitors so you can excel in your industry. 

Why choose Silent Sector for GRC services?

  • Secure new contracts with enterprises and government organizations that require vendors to have robust GRC programs.
  • Meet compliance goals faster (and do it right the first time!) with experts who can support and supplement your internal IT professionals.
  • Enhance security with GRC processes tailored to your objectives, company goals and current framework(s).
  • Stay compliant and pass audits with ease with proactive GRC solutions developed by industry experts and authors of the best selling cybersecurity book, “Cyber Rants.”
  • Break through stalled growth ceilings with access to executive security professionals at a fraction of the cost of an in-house hire.

Access pricing for governance risk management and compliance services from Silent Sector

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Let’s Plan Your Governance, Risk, and Compliance Solution

Get closer to reaching your compliance and security goals with Silent Sector and our comprehensive three step process.
1. CompatibilityDiscussion
2. Initial Consultation and Project Scoping
3. Roadmap Creation & Plan Review

See Why Silent Sector Stands Out


Companies rely on our cybersecurity solutions


Years delivering exceptional security support


Industry certifications

Complete Risk Management Services

The Primary Industries We Serve
  • Software as a Service
  • System implementers & integrators
  • Financial services
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Defense & aerospace
  • Manufacturing
Our Cybersecurity Service Offerings
  • Cybersecurity consulting & leadership
  • Cybersecurity architect, engineer, & analyst support
  • GRC consulting
  • Compliance consulting
  • Cybersecurity policy development
  • Cybersecurity framework alignment
  • SOC 2, CMMC, & ISO audit readiness
  • Technology transformation
  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • InfoSec team development
Compliance & Frameworks We Work With
  • CCPA
  • CIS Controls
  • CMMC
  • FTC Safeguards Rule
  • GDPR
  • ISO 27001 & 27002
  • NCUA
  • NIST SP 800-171
  • NIST SP 800-53
  • SOC 2
  • SOX

Why Choose Silent Sector for GRC Services?

Governance Risk Management and Compliance GRC Services

Transform Risk and Compliance Management into a Competitive Advantage

An increasing number of organizations demand greater security measures from their vendors – and require them to prove it.

This means investing in your GRC program is no longer just about securing your assets. It’s a strategic business investment that results in your company’s offerings being more desirable to enterprise organizations. 

GRC services can give you the potential to compete for and secure lucrative contracts.

Silent Sector consultants transform security and compliance programs into drivers of new company and revenue.

governance risk management and compliance services

Unify Your Compliance and Governance Processes

It’s not uncommon for a company to adhere to multiple security frameworks and regulations in order to meet internal and client requirements. 

Streamline and organize how you manage each of your compliance requirements with help from Silent Sector. Our professionals will ensure your GRC program can keep you compliant with every requirement on your list.

After assessing your needs and goals, we’ll focus on attaining compliance with the frameworks and regulations that get you the most business value first.

Depending on your industry and company objectives, this could include:

  • NIST 
  • CMMC
  • SOC 2
  • ISO 27001
  • Or others
Governance Risk and Compliance

How Do I Know If My Company Needs GRC Services?

You probably need support with your GRC program if you experience any of the following:

  • Passed over for contracts due to inadequate security measures.
  • Unable to secure cyber insurance coverage or pay excessively high rates.
  • Have failed external audits.
  • You are building a GRC program from scratch.
  • You’d like to branch into a new industry with security requirements you’re unfamiliar with.

The benefits you’ll gain from working with Silent Sector for your GRC needs:

  • Meet security standards such as SOC2, CMMC, HIPAA, NIST, ISO 27001, and more.
  • Expand your internal IT expertise for less than an in-house hire.
  • Meet compliance requirements more easily.
  • Establish a program that gives you an advantage when bidding on new contracts.
GRC Services

Why Choose Silent Sector for Governance, Risk, and Compliance Solutions?

At Silent Sector, we provide sound guidance and custom GRC solutions, but that’s not all. We also stick around to ensure the successful implementation of your program.

We’re committed to helping you transform your security posture into one that delivers exceptional security measures and can foster growth.

After we’ve assessed your security needs and created an in-depth roadmap for creating a comprehensive GRC program, we can be on hand for further support, such as:

Demonstrate Trust and Secure New Business

Let potential clients know they can trust you with their critical data with security support from Silent Sector.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can your GRC services adapt to our industry?

We work with a number of industries to provide exceptional GRC services and support. At Silent Sector, we deliver GRC services to over 80 clients across the following industries:

  • Healthcare
  • Finance and insurance
  • Technology
  • Defense
  • Manufacturing
  • Education

We’ve helped dozens of companies reach new company goals through comprehensive cybersecurity initiatives.

What are the primary benefits of outsourcing our GRC services?

By outsourcing your GRC to Silent Sector you can reap the following benefits:

  • Accelerate the time required to reach compliance with regulations and frameworks.
  • Reduce the workload on your internal IT team so core functions are not interrupted.
  • Gain executive-level expertise at a lower cost than onboarding a new team member.
  • Enhance your overall security posture.
To determine exactly how you can benefit from GRC services at Silent Sector, contact our team.

How will your GRC services integrate with our existing cybersecurity infrastructure?

Our approach is designed to complement and enhance your current systems, not to usurp them.

We conduct a thorough assessment to understand your infrastructure and company goals then tailor the GRC framework accordingly.

Our team works closely with your IT staff, ensuring a smooth integration that leverages your existing investments while fortifying your cybersecurity and compliance posture.

How do your professional GRC services simplify compliance with evolving regulations and standards?

Adhering to changing regulations and standards can be made easier with professional GRC services from Silent Sector. 

We continuously monitor regulations and stay informed with changes and new requirements as they emerge. We can test our client’s posture against these changes and make necessary adjustments to ensure compliance is still met.

This proactive approach not only supports ongoing compliance but also prepares your organization for future regulatory shifts.

What technologies do we use?

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Achieve new heights with GRC services delivered by experts dedicated to enhancing your company’s success.

Leverage proactive security solutions that keep you ahead of auditors and allow you to seize new opportunities easily.

Minimize exposure to risks, demonstrate reliability and trustworthiness with a security program that offers peace of mind.

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