The proliferation and race to market for newer, better, and more stable security tools has thoroughly saturated the IT world. Who hasn’t walked through a trade show and seen booth after booth of the latest and greatest tools?
We have a question for you: Do you really need another tool?
Tools are positioned as labor saving applications that will provide you the security that your enterprise requires and will allow you to run lean with minimal staff or minimal contractors/consultants required to manage the enterprise (which the board, investors, and accounting team likes).
The problem is, unless you are a Fortune 100 company, you may only have one SME (subject matter expert) and a partially trained backup for each tool. The backup SME probably has minimal experience because they have their own tool or set of tools and operational responsibilities. Then one day out of the blue, they both leave or a decision is made to cut staff and you lose key resources… Now what?
Silent Sector recommends you take a breath and stop buying tools, at least for a moment. Read on it will all make sense in a minute.
A few questions for you:
At Silent Sector, we are by no means proposing that you abandon the use of security tools. We use multiple tools for pen testing, compliance tracking, vulnerability scanning, and for other processes as needed. However, Silent Sector is tool and OS agnostic. While we have our preferences, we aren't here to sell you more software or tools. Instead, we strive to make you succeed with what you have in-house, before buying anything new.
We've have seen many clients through the years who have amassed more tools than they can begin to use. Many have had overlapping capabilities and worse yet, were sitting dormant while getting renewed annually because the SME who knew the tool has moved on (we all know IT people move around from job to job for numerous reasons and that is a topic for another time). Whats more, so does their backup SME, the other backup, and the manager that originally approved the tool... Meanwhile, purchasing keeps renewing the licenses for the tools that no one uses and acquiring the next new tool that will "solve all of our problems." This becomes a perpetual cycle of throwing money out the window.
You are probably saying, “Wait are you really that jaded? Do you just need a hug? Are you really Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons?” We have had long careers in IT at all levels with all types of companies imaginable, consulted a long time, seen things that would leave most speechless. It is because of these problems that we left corporate InfoSec to start our firm and offer better solutions. So of the 3 choices above, we’d go with "jaded" but we are hopeful we can help change this cycle.
Here's an example:
Two companies are described who differ in scope and volume, yet the circumstances are eerily familiar.
The circumstances are similar for both companies and countless others. As new teams of IT management and new resources took control of each environment, they brought in past experiences with tools and solutions that they had used at previous roles in their careers. They made their cases to acquire familiar tool sets and solutions. With changes in management direction and staff turnover, these tool sets and solutions went untended or were never fully deployed.
Replacements were hired who may have had knowledge of the existing tool sets but had a tool set or management style they preferred over what was in place. A case was made to purchase new tools and then at some point due to business requirements, change in management direction, or simple turnover these tools and solutions also went untended or were not fully deployed.
Replacements were hired who may have had knowledge of the current tool set but had a new tool set and management style they preferred and a case was made to purchase new tools. At some point due to business requirements, change in management direction, or simple turnover these tools and solutions went untended or weren't fully deployed….. Am I repeating myself?
If the situation above sounds familiar there is way out of this cycle. WARNING, this might be a little painful so strap on your chain mail:
Obligatory sales pitch: Silent Sector can help you with this entire process, making it far less painful. Plus you’ll occasionally get to see our bright shiny faces. The Silent Sector team strives to do security the right way, since most small-mid market companies don't have the budget to support one of those giant firms that can sponsor the Super Bowl. We are here to help by providing guidance and support in the cyber, infosec, and compliance space at reasonable rates. A security posture is only as strong as its weakest link.